CS1 and CS2 Controlled Shipping
Controlled Shipping – Level 1
There are two main levels of controlled shipping and some customers also require a third level. These are highlighted throughout this page. CS1 requires the supplier to contain the suspect product and perform a redundant 100% inspection process. This process may be done by the supplier's employees, though some suppliers routinely employ an outside third-party inspection company to perform this service. QLS has trained associates with experience in conducting controlled shipping projects.
The second step of CS1 is to identify the root cause of the defect and incorporate irreversible corrective actions. The third step of CS1 is to verify via the above inspection process that the corrective actions are effective.
Controlled Shipping – Level 2
Controlled Shipping – Level 2 (CS2): The customer will require CS2 when the supplier has failed to correct the problem in CS1 or has had major quality problems. Each customer has their own criteria for placing a supplier in CS2, but normally it is used when the CS1 procedure has not corrected the problem.
In CS2 the supplier is required to continue their in-house inspections as in CS1 and add an additional redundant inspection process performed by a third party inspection and sorting company. This third party is often selected by the supplier, but usually has to be approved by the customer. QLS is listed as an approved CS2 provider by many OEMs throughout North America.
The root cause analysis and irrevocable corrective actions begun in CS1 must be continued or redone until they are effective as verified by the data reported from the redundant inspection processes.
"I really appreciate their level of autonomy. Their slogan is something like ‘we’re on it’, which means that I can be hands-off" - OEM Customer
Enhanced Controlled Shipping Level 2
Enhanced Controlled Shipping Level 2 (ECS2): Some customers have a third level of Controlled Shipping called ECS2. Other customers include parts from this level in their standard CS2 Process. ECS2 includes elements from both CS1 and CS2, but the supplier is required to select a third party Quality Inspection and Engineering Company to manage the inspection and sorting, as well as to manage the detection process from Verification of Root Cause through Irreversible Corrective Action. ECS2 suppliers not only prevent further defective parts from being shipped to the customer, but they also manage the corrective action process and provide evidence which documents that systematic issues associated with the non-conforming parts have been resolved. In any controlled shipping scenario, QLS highly qualified pros get the job done for your company.
Generating Value
Benefits of Partnering with QLS
- A solid reputation built on the manufacturing floor
- 24/7 immediate response
- Highly technical, experienced and knowledgeable team members
- Multifunctional attention to details
- Cloud-based project tracking system
- Plant-wide accessibility and recognition
OEM Services
QLS acts as a liaison between OEMs and their suppliers handling incoming quality concerns, installation modifications and other special projects.
Supplier Services
Suppliers depend on QLS to provide instant response, resolution and superior communication on a wide range of issues that occur inside both their and OEM customer's facilities.