Quality Inspection & Sorting Services
The keys to customer satisfaction are to provide a cost-effective part, delivered on time, with high quality. You don’t need the burden of warranty expense and the damage to your company’s quality reputation by having defective product make it into the marketplace. QLS YardGuard® is a proven, verifiable quality assurance method that includes quality inspection and sorting services. QLS YardGuard® takes critical in-process information and applies it to finished vehicles and assemblies.
QLS Process
Our associates follow a prescribed process to find it before it ships:
- Identify origin of the defect
- Utilize problem-solving methods to ensure finished assemblies don’t contain defective parts
- Test and verify that all finished assemblies are compliant to specification
Generating Value
Benefits of Partnering with QLS
- A solid reputation built on the manufacturing floor
- 24/7 immediate response
- Highly technical, experienced and knowledgeable team members
- Multifunctional attention to details
- Cloud-based project tracking system
- Plant-wide accessibility and recognition
OEM Services
QLS acts as a liaison between OEMs and their suppliers handling incoming quality concerns, installation modifications and other special projects.
Supplier Services
Suppliers depend on QLS to provide instant response, resolution and superior communication on a wide range of issues that occur inside both their and OEM customer's facilities.