Quality Inspection Technology
QLS provides a unique working arrangement for both equipment OEMs and their suppliers. For OEMs, the QLS team becomes a part of their quality strategy. We are directed to suppliers who have quality problems in the plant. We act as a supplier's representative in special projects requiring investigation, engineering or other types of repair. Using quality inspection technology, we provide a communication bridge to make priorities clear and remedies understood for the OEM and supplier teams working together to assure high-quality assembly of a final product.
For suppliers, QLS is an extension of their company on-site in the OEM's facility. We talk about quality monitoring, sorting and containment, but the primary role we play with a supplier is Liaison between them and their OEM customer. The QLS link generates value for both parties.
Technology & Tracking software
Partnering with QLS
Activities & Opportunities
The return on a supplier's investment in QLS representation comes from a long list of activities and opportunities:
- Avoiding fines and other penalties from the OEM
- Avoiding the return of unusable products
- Eliminating the waste of time and expense focusing on non-value-added activities
- Concentrating only on validated issue
- Performing well on problem resolution, leading to the opportunity to quote new business
- Building OEM customer loyalty and continued sales
Most importantly - a supplier benefits from the ongoing confidence an OEM develops in their supplier relationship simply born of the responsiveness supplied by QLS.